The Old Is Gone |©Bridget Marcus

Published on 21 December 2022 at 23:30

I am standing when a door appears in front of me. It is white and has a golden knob. I look down and there is a bright light shining beneath its frame. The rays coming out reminded me of a rich sunset. This door looked brand new with a fresh coat of paint. There were no fingerprints upon it yet. I felt drawn to it. When I turned to look behind me I saw another door. Only this door had looked worn. The paint was chipped and the doorknob had begun to rust. This door was left cracked open. I peeked inside. Inside, I saw pieces of the past that pertained to the church. I saw old movements and revivals that had been marked in history. I saw planned programs and traditions within the church, and ministries that had been around for a while. I saw the church in worship, praying, and pastors preaching. I saw children's in children's ministry, and I saw people celebrating the seasonal holidays. But as I stood watching, I had become lethargic and was fighting to keep my eyes open. I noticed a shadow began to appear underneath and around this door frame like there was no light to be found in the room. I turned back around to look at the other door. As I turned to face the new door I heard Father God say, "I will let you open this door if you choose to close the other door behind you and don't go back to reopen it. Behind this new door you will see and experience things that have not yet been recorded and that man has not yet seen. Inside you will hear a new sound that I have released and there is a fresh wind being poured in straight from heaven. Things will be unplanned and spontaneous. My Glory will fill every corner. It is a place I have gone before you and that I have prepared to send you for such a time as this. Don't allow the unfamiliarity to cause you to run back to the old door. Even though my flesh grieved the closing of the old door I slowly reached the rusted knob, and I closed it shut. I turned around and placed my hand upon the golden knob leaving fresh fingerprints as I opened the new door. When I opened the door I felt a wind come pouring out of it and it was blowing all around me. I went from lethargic to being fully awake and excited. Everything was new. New assignments, new plans, fresh blueprints, new worship, new ministries, new alignments, new celebrations, new tactics, new equipping, new wine, and new wineskins. As I began to step inside the door I knew God was carrying me into the new. What was is no more. A whole new season and a whole new era is here. I took a deep breath and stepped over the threshold. The old is gone, the new is here!


2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


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