A New Song & Making All Things New |©Bridget Marcus

As I spent time with Abba this morning on my front porch, I noticed how silent it was. All of a sudden, the birds began to sing what seemed to be all at once in beautiful alignment and I heard the Lord say I am giving my children a new song, I am placing a new song inside of you and it will be as sweet as honey is to your lips. And my focus was attentive to the birds and their singing. Then I heard Him say, " I am doing a new thing! Tell my children!"

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Counterfeit | ©Bridget Marcus

The counterfeit is produced when our actions come from a place of just wanting to be seen and heard and seek validation and acceptance from others when Jesus says I am enough, and I am all that you need. He hears and sees you. It is produced when the unhealed wounds from our past try to speak shame and condemnation and then become our persona. We begin to wear a mask of steal refusing to show any vulnerability and truth to others. Or in some cases we wear masks of pride, arrogance, being full of wisdom or knowledge, and always wanting to be right. We tend to look like we got it all together when others may continuously wear a mask of pain. If our heart is not in connection with His but continuously placed on self and trying to remain hidden behind the mask than it becomes "strange fire".

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A Season of Rest | ©Bridget Marcus

It has been a while since I last posted a blog. Every time I would set down to write, it would be hard for me to get anything out. But recently I have felt a major shifting in direction and for the first time in a long time I felt like I needed to document it. So here it goes...

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Time To Shift | ©Bridget Marcus

Just wanted to take some time to share some of what's recently been on my heart. I have used social media as a ministering and communication tool for the last 12 years or maybe longer. In the beginning I didn't always do that and tended to share more so out of my flesh but then as I grew in my relationship with the Father I was more led to keep my posts more focused on Him and the Kingdom. But here recently I have felt a shifting in this area. I can't help but feel that God is changing some things not just for myself but for the bride of Christ as a whole. I know that God can use any and all things for our good and for His Glory (Especially social media because it can reach millions and it is a great way to stay connected) BUT I do think He is calling His Bride higher in this season so we can rise above all the noise and chaos the enemy has been creating. In doing so I believe this is a call to pull back from the distractions and to be more present with Him and with our families and the people that He has aligned us with in this season. He wants us more present and, in the moment, even in the church. I have actually felt this for a while now and it wasn't until recently through others that I felt the further confirmation but have had the hardest time pulling back because I think it's the feelings of not remaining in the loop or feeling disconnected or better yet the people pleasing guilt that I still need deliverance from. And because I have struggled in this area the most, I know then that I am hearing right. Covid caused many of us to run to livestreams and staying more behind a screen. I feel God wants us to break free from that. He wants us to be more in person. I also believe He is changing some of the ways many of us have ministered over the years. I believe He is drawing many of us to more intimate gatherings where He is the soul focus of the meetings as well as doing communion together. It is in those places that I like to call "around the table" (figure of speech) where new revelation is being poured out as well as being in the secret place with Him in our personal one on one times with Him. The enemy has used social media/media in general to steal time, to use others who have monitoring spirits attached to them to monitor others even unintentionally to report back to the enemy, it has caused added extra spiritual warfare that was just unnecessary for us, it has caused us to lack in growth of wisdom, it has caused wounds or anxiety that create open doors for the enemy to come in leaving us vulnerable and the time we can take to heal from those wounds to be set free, it has caused many of us to get a distorted view of things and even others at times. It has even allowed us to have a spirit of fear when it comes to listening to all the wrong things. Just because it was released by a popular minister or ministry doesn't mean it was truly released by God. This is why it is so important that we come to know our Father's heart, His true character, and who we are as His children and not have the orphan mindset. I hear the Lord saying stop listening to all the noise and just keep your focus set on me. It's very vital. 

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Beautiful Reminders | ©Bridget Marcus

I am one blessed mama to be given the privilege to see my oldest (Will) growing in His relationship with the Lord. I am not a perfect parent and don't claim to be. I always pray that God will help me in the areas I need help in when parenting my children and I tend to doubt myself a lot but when moments like these happen it reminds me of just how faithful our God is and that we serve a good good Father that we can trust Him especially even in the areas where I may lack and to know that they are in good hands and that He has them. We worshipped all the way to church this morning and he (Will) was the one that led it even if it was in the car. There have been times where I would lack in faith but my children did not and they would speak life right back into me when it was needed. I am so thankful for my boys and I look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for them but more importantly how much they will have an impact on the world and those around them for the Kingdom #blessed #beautifulreminders

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Home Again | ©Bridget Marcus

I was standing, as a child, in a garden that had a cut pathway. Up ahead on the pathway I could see Jesus but his back was turned to me as He was tending to the flowers in the garden but He knew I was there. He turned around as quickly as I saw Him He faced me and opened His arms with the biggest smile. We exchanged conversation without saying a physical word. I took off running in excitement to see my Abba! As I ran to Him down the pathway I grew from being a child to an adult and He rapped His arms around me. I was home again. It was the best feeling in the world. He reminded me who I was. I am His!

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The Wrong Garments | © Bridget Marcus

Holy Spirit has given me this to share. So here it goes..... That spirit of religion is causing so many to wear garments that isn't even theirs to wear and it is also not only causing others to wear them but it's causing fellow brothers and sisters to place these garments on others unintentionally. Garments of shame, garments of unworthiness, garments of unrighteousness, garments of confusion, garments of heaviness, garments of condemnation, and garments of strife. God has shown this to me and has had me to walk through it for myself to learn this valuable hard lesson. And I'm still learning. It's time people learn to quit receiving these garments as well as wearing them. Not only that but to stop placing them onto others. Until we are healed and we step fully into sonship and knowing our true identities as a child of God and allow God to help us walk out from under that spirit of religion and unravel us as well as to continue to let our wounds go unhealed and undealt with than we will continue to wear these old robes and we will continue to place these old robes onto others. I will say it again old wineskins will not be able to carry the new wine. And sooo many refuse to allow God to deal with the mess and the pain in their own lives and in doing so continue to wear these masks having that underlining spirit of pride and control. It's ok to show yourself broken not only infront of Yahweh but infront of others especially your brothers and sisters. I don't care who you are or how long you've been in ministry or what your title is. Or even how long you have been a Christian. I don't care what anyone says people are not always strong or unbreakable. I feel like so many try so hard to do things from a place of self even unintentionally at times (including myself) instead of letting God be God. They try to control and manipulate others in the process. We try to do His job for Him. I hate to break it to you but God doesn't need our help. He never has. It's because of the love He has for us that he does include us and wants to. There are so many that are preaching messages that don't even realize that the messages they have been given are specifically messages given to them personally by God and not even meant to even be preached to a congregation. Sometimes they feel if they preach it to the congregation, it makes them feel a little better about themselves. I feel led to share that some need to quit going into the quiet place just to receive a word or a message for their church. Instead go in only having the goal to just spend time with your Father! Go vulnerable and broken before Him and let Him heal you in the areas that need to be healed, let Him pour into you, and the rest will follow. There will be overflow. I feel led to share that some of you God has brought you to a place where you need to sit down from being in ministry and take time to just be in the secret place with Him to rest and to heal and allow God to do a work in and through you but you refuse to do so by forcing yourself in places you have no business being in still. Doing so, you are now operating out from under His covering. Because of that there is no grace and things will feel forced and even dead. Some of you He has also spoken things to you that have been so clear but you refuse to accept it or receive it because you don't like change or transition because it's uncomfortable. No matter what the old door will close whether you are ready for it or not.

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Be Ready |©Bridget Marcus

As we close the door to 2023 and prepare to step over the threshold into 2024 I feel led to tell everyone to get ready. We are about to go into something we've never experienced before in previous years. 2024 will be a turbulent year for many. One filled with acceleration and anticipation. Jesus is on the threshing floor. He is preparing His bride. What we will experience individually will have a lot to do with how we have positioned ourselves in the previous year(s). Knowing the Father's heart and being able to hear His voice will matter tremendously. We are about to come into a time of chaos but He will be the peace in the chaos. It will be a time of the good mixed in with the bad. The spirit of religion won't stand. He will tear down all of the idols in each person's life and anything that was not built by Him will not be left standing. If it can be shaken it will be shaken. For those who are rooted in Him, seeking Him, established on the Rock, and who have learned how to rest IN Him will not be shaken and will not be moved by the dismantling. The remnant will shine with a light so bright that it can't and won't be hidden. Make no mistake about it He will pour out heaven's treasures that have been stored up for His children for such a time as this to help them in the midst of what is to come. I sat the last 2 days and have cried feeling an overwhelming sense of love the Father has for His children and yet grieving for everyone at the same time for what is to come. Some will come back to the fold while others will continue to reject Him following in their own ways.

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The Raw Intimate Moments | ©Bridget Marcus

Alot of the times we tend to just share the good parts of our walk with the Lord but we don't tend to be vulnerable enough to show the real intimate or hard parts. The last few days I have been dealing the onslaught of spiritual attacks again both mental and physical but overall still spiritual. Some were revealed to me as to where they are coming from and others were not but I knew one thing I wasn't about to allow the enemy to come back in and put his foot in a door so he could come back in and reside in my temple and steal my peace or my joy. If my car could speak it would have a lot to say. It is where I go when it's been too cold to set on my front porch. It is where I have gone to war in the spirit many times for my family, myself, for friends, and whatever else. It's where I have worshipped, praised, cried, prayed, and got deliverance. I woke up this morning and I knew I needed to go spend time with Papa God. I wasn't going to leave until I felt something lift. As He led me into worship, I saw a rushing river and in the center were these steppingstones and where the steppingstones were, it was very calm, and the water was perfectly still. I saw myself on the first steppingstone and then Abba appeared, and He was ahead of me on the stone that was one step in front of me and He had reached His hand out for mine and He carefully helped me to step across onto each stone until I made it to the other side of the rushing river and had placed my foot onto the solid ground. When I reached that side He wrapped His hands around my face and kissed my forehead and then hugged me. It was in the moment I felt perfect peace. He placed me back on steady ground. Thank you Father! I could feel whatever had been trying to come back on me was no longer there. I felt to take these pictures today (despite my dirty windshield and messy appearance) during that time to say it doesn't matter where you have to get, it doesn't have to be perfect, and it doesn't have to be well put together. You don't even have to know what to say or do but all He wants is for you to set with Him. Often times it looks messy but no matter the place or the time He is there waiting to meet you so He can place you back on that same steady ground that He placed me back on today. And don't get up until He meets you there. Sometimes it means having to press through and press in but it's worth it! I felt someone needed to hear this today!

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Taking Back Territory |©Bridget Marcus

Any word curses being spoken over me whether intentionally or unintentionally I render them powerless and I call them to be null and void in Jesus name as they fall to the way side! They have no authority by the blood of Jesus and shall not take root.

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Ladders From Heaven | © Bridget Marcus

I was spending time with the Father this morning and before I was about to get up from the table to start the day, He showed me in the spirit this ladder that dropped out of heaven that looked like this photo. Then He reminded me of the vision I had a little over a year ago where a ladder dropped down and I climbed it all the way up to the top. As I got to the top, I was way up in the clouds, but I was able to look down and below me chaos had broke out. I could see war and all kind of things taking place but I knew I was up high with the Lord and I wasn't being phased at all by what was going on down below me. I was safe. Then I began to see multiple ladders come down all over. I heard Him say I am taking my children higher! He said He was going to bring me higher. I said thank you Lord.

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Abba Father | © Bridget Marcus

Religion paints a picture of God like an angry controlling man with a whip in His hand where He beats His children to get them to act right. This is far from who He is. It literally breaks my heart to hear Him pictured to others like this. At one time I did see Him in this way until He showed me otherwise and brought me revelation to His character and most of all His heart. Does the Father correct? Yes He does. But we aren't on the whipping post. He was already on it for us and took it on our behalf. When He corrects He does so in love and with a heart filled with compassion and heartbreak for His children. Sometimes correction doesn't feel good and sometimes it doesn't look good either especially when He reveals truth to us in dark places. When He reveals that we have unforgiveness, anger, or bitterness in our hearts, when He reveals when we have not only hurt ourselves but we have also hurt others. Then there are the consequences to each and every action that we take whether good or bad by our own hands. (Reaping and Sowing) He gives free will and a choice. He uses EVERYTHING for our good and His glory. He wastes absolutely nothing. He turns our messes into masterpieces. Many don't like to view Him in this way because they think it shows a weak God. But He's far from it. My prayer is that every child of God will come to KNOW Him for who He really is. That we all be untangled and unraveled from what religion and the enemy has distorted to us and may we whole heartedly seek Him for ourselves so we can fully experience Him as Abba Father. It's time for His children to fully step into Beloved Identity.

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