Abide In Christ | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 14 July 2023 at 17:33

Daily Discussions: The word for abide means "to be intentional". How can we, as His children, be more intentional when it comes to learning to "abide" in Him? It first begins with intimacy that we share with Him that begins when we are spiritually reborn (receive our salvation). It helps when we come to the understanding that love has many faces. Knowing what each type love is makes a huge difference in how we can "abide".

The Four Faces of Love:

1. Storgos or Astorgos- is without love, heartless, or without family or natural affection. It speaks of hardening and loss of affection toward our kin or relations.

2. Phileo- is tender affection. It is love that is reciprocal, expressing friendship, trust, and openness.

3. Agape- is the exercise of the divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself. It is God's absolute by which He measures all things. It reveals God's character. He is Agape.

4. Eros- is the desire or intention to possess, acquire, or control. It is that which is loved for the purpose of personal satisfaction (sexual). It is selfish.

When we come to the full understanding of what Agape love is and what it consists of than we can come to understand how to truly abide in the Father! To be continued....

Resources from The book: The Agape Road Journey to Intimacy with the Father by Bob Mumford.

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