You may have noticed lately that there may be a lot of change going on around you. For instance, relationships that you once had are being discontinued or disconnected whether it be friendships, family, church family, or acquaintances. You may have gotten released from a job to start a new one, you have moved or in the process of moving to a new location, things you used to enjoy or put a lot of time into no longer bring you joy or fulfillment, and some of you may have even been led to leave ministries that you have been a part of for a while to begin a new one. And if a major change has not happened to you yet you may just be feeling stale, stagnant, or like things just aren't cutting it like it used to and you can just feel it in the atmosphere that things are just not the same. Whatever it maybe change is upon each and every one of us because this is the season of change, and it has to take place. Why? Because the old wine skin has to shed so the new wine skin can form to hold the new wine that Father God wants to put back into us. The enemy has tried to de rail us for so long now. He has tried to fill our time and lives up with people and things that are just not meant to go where God is wanting to take us. So as uncomfortable as it maybe we have to come to terms that the old has to be let go so the new can come in. The old ways of doing things are just not cutting it anymore. As you begin to feel the pressure of all these things just know that God is working all things out for your good. Allow the change to come and as difficult as some of it can be embrace the new and say goodbye to what used to be and trust that God will carry you through. He will align you with those who you do need to be around in this new season to help grow you, encourage you, support you, as well as strategically place you where you need to be in your finances, family, friendships, ministries, and more all you have to do is say Yes Lord. Don't be like Lot's wife and look back. Don't look back just keep moving forward one step at a time. And most importantly surrender completely to the Lord and embrace what He has in store for you for such a time as this! - Blessings.
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