Get Ready |©Bridget Marcus

Published on 4 December 2023 at 18:37

Pay close attention in the coming days ahead. I believe Father God, Yeshua, & Holy Spirit will be showing Himself to many of you in a whole new way and very clearly as we come to the end of this year. I pray for ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to receive in Jesus name! For many of you He is tying up loose ends to prepare to bring you into the new, He's establishing that final connection that needs to be made to help open those doors that need to be opened and moving that final chess piece that will have you finally saying checkmate. For many of you it will be like you have encountered Him for the very first time all over again despite how long you have been adopted into the Family of God. I hear Him saying that the relationship for some has grown stale and cold. He's about to set it a blaze again and you will regain that intimacy with Him that He longs to have with you and that you need. He's bringing you back to your first love (Him). I hear the words buckle up as I see a rocket ship in the spirit getting ready to launch. I see some of you getting ready to make the long-awaited journey as you pack your backpacks with excitement as you have a sigh of relief as you say FINALLY! I see hands being joined together to form a link of people as they make a line hand and hand. Connections are being made behind the scenes and then I remember the word He gave me this same time last year for 2023... He told me Divine Alignments for Divine Assignments in 2023! And so as we rap up this year He is doing just that. He is aligning and realigning and adjusting and readjusting. This past season was a season of preparation for what we are all about to step into in this next one. Whatever road you choose and whatever you set your minds on and give your heart to by the end of the year will determine where 2024 will carry you. Be wise, be humble, be submissive, be willing to surrender, be still, be teachable, and no matter what keep your eyes on Jesus. He is wanting to bring you into His rest so He can carry you into breakthrough. Finish Well. 2024 will be like no other. Get ready....


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