Agape Love | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 23 July 2023 at 19:53

Yesterday we asked the question how can we, as His children, be more intentional when it comes to learning to "abide" in the Father? We learned that it first begins through intimacy that we share with Him beginning at our spiritual birth (salvation) and understanding the different faces to love. Agape being the most important out of them all.

What is Agape love? Well, God is Agape (1 John 4:16). It is how He measures all things. It does not love because of beauty or value discovered; it is a love that comes out of His own nature. While Phileo is reciprocal, Agape reveals God's own character. Agape, when understood, quickly reveals our need for Christ, who is Agape Incarnate. He does not give love as a gift; He gives Himself because He is the source of Agape. The Son is the begotten Agape Incarnate. The Holy Spirit is the manifestation of Agape proceeding from the Father and the Son. Agape does not need to be discovered or observed. It seeks to be there in someone's need or crisis ; it depends upon truth and faithfulness; it's functions as a team in mutuality; it seeks to build up, release, and encourage. Agape is an inner authority that is not controlling or possessive. One cannot receive God's command to love and remain unchanged.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Agape is personified. Agape is the character traits of Jesus. These are the seven hidden attributes of God's person, now made Incarnate- the Word made flesh:

-Love never gives up.

-Love cares more for others than for self.

-Love doesn't want what it doesn't have .

-Love doesn't strut,

-Doesn't have a swelled head,

-Doesn't force itself on others,

-Isn't always "me first,"

-Doesn't fly off the handle,

-Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,

-Doesn't revel when others grovel,

-Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,

-Puts up with anything,

-Trusts God always,

-Always looks for the best,

-Never looks back,

-But keeps going to the end.

-Love never dies.

When we truly come to fully understand these characteristics of what makes up Agape love than we can come to learn who God and Jesus really is. We begin to see Him, ourselves, and others differently. Our relationship deepens and we begin to change. We begin to learn how to truly Abide in the Father

Resources & Excerpts from The book: The Agape Road Journey to Intimacy with the Father by Bob Mumford.

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