Outside The Four Walls | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 24 April 2023 at 21:42

There is coming a time where God is taking the church outside of it's normal 4 walls of the building. He already is. He is going to bring people back to their first love (Him). He is restoring community and true discipleship among His children. Gatherings will take place more in homes, fields, tents, barns, parking lots, and random places. When people come to the realization that the way they have been doing church the last so many years is not working any longer and that the grace that once was there has been lifted and come to a place of true surrender than religion will be replaced with true genuine relationship. Not just with God but amongst each other. It's not about striving so hard, the number of attendance, or your performance but truly having a raw genuine love for Jesus and for each other. Many churches are sadly missing connection outside of the church building or outside of church events. The Church today lacks unity and trust. It lacks being a true family. Father God take us outside of the "normal" buildings, let us come together in unity, in prayer, in fellowship, in studying your word, to worship, to be discipled TOGETHER as ONE as YOUR children. May we reach the lost by including them in these same gatherings and learn how to genuinely love on them the way you do. New wine for new wine skins. New wine won't fit in old wine skins. Change is among us. I pray you will recieve it and not reject it. #atruejesusrevolution #DoItAgainLord

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