Ladders From Heaven | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 7 December 2023 at 22:01

I was spending time with the Father this morning and before I was about to get up from the table to start the day, He showed me in the spirit this ladder that dropped out of heaven that looked like this photo. Then He reminded me of the vision I had a little over a year ago where a ladder dropped down and I climbed it all the way up to the top. As I got to the top, I was way up in the clouds, but I was able to look down and below me chaos had broke out. I could see war and all kind of things taking place but I knew I was up high with the Lord and I wasn't being phased at all by what was going on down below me. I was safe. Then I began to see multiple ladders come down all over. I heard Him say I am taking my children higher! He said He was going to bring me higher. I said thank you Lord.

Difficult times maybe ahead but as we continue to keep our eyes on the Lord and keep following His lead and keep climbing the ladder with Him than I believe He is going to take us higher way above the chaos and all the noise. He will be our covering, our refuge, and He will safely tuck us beneath His wings. I believe He will also lead, guide, direct, and equip us strategically for what is ahead of us. As we go higher He will make all our senses alot sharper and on point like the Eagle so we can be 2 steps ahead of the enemy. Praise God!

Now is the time to be in true intimacy with the Father! He wants to know you and He wants you to know Him! You have to put yourself in a place where you will be able to hear Him clearly and to know HIS voice. ..Climb the ladder!

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