This is my photography page. Here you will find EVERYTHING there is to know about my photography. 


Every Portrait Session is different and uniquely documented to help capture the beautifully raw season my client(s) are currently in. In saying that, every session pricing will depend on what type of session you are wanting to document. There are no limits to outfit changes as long as you can fit them into your session time. Know that your portrait investment ensures high quality images & professional editing for every photo. It also includes cost of travel, equipment use, editing software, and my time spent on editing each portrait. Alot of love, prayers, and time goes into each portrait. Please take all these things into consideration when booking.  xoxo 


Let's go on an adventure together where we explore our surroundings and let our imaginations run wild. Messy hair and lots of giggles! From playing dress up to Ring Around the Rosie, there is nothing like capturing the innocence of a child. These make beautiful keepsakes and canvases!


Basic Family sessions include a family up to five members. Every family is unique, and your photo session should be just as unique! I love creating fun and unposed portraits that will leave you having spent valuable quality time with your favorite people asking was this really a photo session? 


When photographing couples of any age I love to capture the love that they share between each other. Whether it's a new relationship or one that has beat all the odds over the years. It's always beautiful to see my clients reconnect and create and capture fun memories together. *Disclaimer: I do not do same sex couples*


Maybe you just want some fun single portraits done of yourself because it's your birthday or you just want to update your profile. Whatever the reason I am up for the challenge of making it happen. Creative Portraits are my fave. This option is also great for all my fellow creatives in need of self-portraits. What are you waiting for? 


Nothing's more beautiful than a glowing mama to be carrying the most precious gift that only God can give where life begins in the womb! *Disclaimer: I do not do newborn or fresh 48 Portraits*


Senior Year of high school is such a major milestone and a time of celebration for both parents and the seniors. After all you've come such a long way and you've made it! It is a season that marks a closing chapter but one full of hope and excitement for the future. It has to be one of my favorites to document. My main goal is to always capture their true personalities and to have fun while doing it! My Senior Portraits are unique, creative, and memorable. I would love the opportunity to be apart of this special time in you and your seniors life! 


About Me

Hello Friend! Welcome to my photogrpahy page! I'm so glad that you are here. Where do I even begin? Well, I'm just a simple small-town girl. I am a 38-year-old stay-at-home wife and mom that homeschools both of my boys. Comfortable is my middle name. I'm just your average introvert, who grew up on butter beans and corn bread, who believes in living on a budget, and keeping God & family first. 

My Family: As of today, my family consists of two growing boys, a husband of 18 years, and a black Chiweenie named Tujo. All of which keep me very busy. I am very blessed. 

My Faith: Jesus is my best friend! He is a big part of who I am. My goal is to always include Him in everything that I do, including my photography.

How It All Began & Where I'm At Now: I started doing photography in 2011. I began by loving the editing part first. I started taking photos so I could own my own artwork. Most photographers will tell you that the editing part is their least favorite part and here I am 13 years later. I am completely self-taught. I used to do photography full time but now I just do it in my spare time. 

Likes & Dislikes: I love worship music, going to Church, my favorite color is Purple, I love Chicken N Dumplings, & Fried Green Tomatoes! I dislike onions, getting up early, funerals, & snakes.  


Favorite Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

About My Photography: People have described my work as being very rich in color, organic, moody, warm, vibrant, authentic, sharp, as well as have a story book type feel. Overall, my main goal has always been to let God's love and light shine through in every portrait! 


​I hope you will choose to entrust in me as your photographer to help document and capture the most precious times in your life this season not just to take the photo but to tell the story that allows you to feel that moment all over again each time you look at it. Contact me to book your session today! - Blessings xoxo 

Booking Fee

A non-refundable booking fee of $25.00 is to be paid via CashApp or Venmo only upon booking your session. This is separate from your session fee. Mini Sessions do not require a booking fee. 

Portrait Pricing & Info

Basic Portrait Package: 

Covers: Family, Couple, Single, Maternity, & Children Only 
Investment – $100 (Cash Only Day Of)
-1 Hour on Location
-Unlimited Outfit Changes
-20 Hand-Edited Digital Images with Print Release
-Secured Online Gallery to Share with Family and Friends

Premium Portrait Package: 

Covers: Family, Couple, Single, Maternity, & Children Only
Investment – $200 (Cash Only Day Of)
- Up to 2 Hours on Location
- Choice of 2 Locations
-Unlimited Outfit Changes
-35 Hand-Edited Digital Images with Print Release
-Secured Online Gallery to Share with Family and Friends

Senior Sessions: 

(Package A) Investment: $100 (Cash Only Day Of)
-1 Hour on Location
-Unlimited Outfit Changes
-20 Hand-Edited Digital Images with Print Release
-Secured Online Gallery to Share with Family and Friends

(Package B) Investment: $200 (Cash Only Day Of)
- Up to 2 Hours on Location
- Up to 2 Locations of choice
-Unlimited Outfit Changes
-35 Hand-Edited Digital Images
-Secured Online Gallery to Share with Family and Friends

(Package C) Investment: $300 (Cash Only Day Of)
-Up to 3 Hours on Location
- Up to 3 Locations of choice
-Unlimited Outfit Changes
-45 Hand-Edited Digital Images
-Secured Online Gallery to Share with Family and Friends


Mini Sessions: 

Will vary depending on what is being offered but are normally up to 15 to 30 minutes of session time at 1 location. These are both seasonal and random as well as limited. These will have to be paid in full online upon booking. 


Pre-Booking Info & Contract (Please Read!)

I specialize in documenting Creative Lifestyle Portraits for Seniors, Couples, Family, Maternity, Children, & Singles. As your photographer I take into consideration into every detail and work to help bring out nothing but the best in your portraits. Below are answers to commonly asked questions from previous clients that may help you prior to booking a session. 


Booking & Booking Fee: Every client is required to pay a non-refundable booking fee of $25 (via cash app or venmo) to secure a spot on the calendar. If you are interested in booking a session, please go to the contact section to inquire. Upon inquiring/booking you will receive additional info about the type of session you are inquiring for and we will discuss further details. I ask for serious inquiries only.

No Shows/Cancellations/Rescheduling: Clients that cancel the day before or the day of or that do not show up to the session that consists outside of emergency reasons will result in being charged a cancellation fee. I ask out of love and respect that everyone please value both mine and your time and keep your session date and time that was discussed and only cancel and reschedule if it is absolutely necessary and due to causes out of our control.  Any sessions that are interfered by the weather will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Clients will not be charged any additional fees due to weather interference. 

Copyright: Please out of respect do not edit, crop, copy, or altar any of my photos in any way. This includes any filters such as Instagram etc. Please do not screen shoot your portraits off of your galleries, my website, or from any of my social media platforms. This causes a decrease in sharpness and can pixelate the image that can create false advertisement to others of what my work looks like when you share it. Please download your portraits the right way from the gallery link that I will send you through email. 

Locations/Travel: Locations that are chosen for sessions are normally located within Chilton County or nearby surrounding areas. Extra fees may apply for any additional traveling outside of central Alabama depending on the distance of location chosen to cover cost of travel. 

Receiving Your Portraits: Mini Portrait Sessions are normally returned back to my clients within two weeks from the session date due to less images having to be edited, sometimes sooner. Regular Portrait Sessions are returned within 4 weeks. I try to get all galleries returned within a timely manner. All clients are kept up to date on the status of their galleries. Please note that I do not give out raw images (unedited photos) so please do not ask. Portrait Galleries will not be completed and sent out until all fees are paid in full. 

Print Release: My signed print release will be emailed to you along with your gallery when it is completed. You will need this release upon making prints depending on where you choose to print them. 

Prints/Galleries/ Other Products: For prints you can order from www.mpix.com for high quality prints or you can print wherever you'd like but please understand that I am not responsible for the lack of print quality or excessive cropping when printing outside of a professional printing lab such as places like Walmart, CVS, Walgreen's, etc. I no longer do thumb drives or discs. Please take the time to download and save your portraits upon receiving them. They do expire after a certain amount of time and I cannot guarantee a backup after so long. Small sneak peeks are given on my website for each session unless requested not to by the client. 


Payment Methods & Payment Plans:  All booking fees are online payment only (cashapp or venmo). After that I take cash only, no checks, and no cards and is due the day of session unless we have discussed otherwise.  Please plan ahead in advance in having the exact cash amount ready the day of your session. I do not carry change on me and your session cannot be done unless payment is paid upfront before we begin. Extra gallery images can be purchased via Venmo or Cashapp.  ALL fees must be paid in full to receive photography services as well as your galleries. 

Contact Response: If you send me a contact form to inquire and book etc. please give me adequate time to reply. If you do not receive a reply back from me within 2 to 3 days then please resend it again. All emails are saved between the client(s) and myself to ensure clear communication and for liability purposes. I will have set working hours that I will be available for contacting and being online and working during the week. In saying that please know that I will not be available 24-7. Please know I am not always made available but will get back with you as soon as possible.  

Photography Session Booking Contract: 

Before booking a session and upon paying your booking fee please make sure you have read and signed my booking contract here!

Online Payment Links

The Tog Blog (Photography Blog)

Visit my photography blog "Tog Blog" to see sneak peeks featured of any sessions that I have. 

Other F.A.Q.s

I do not specialize in First 48 (birth/hospital) Portraits, Single Newborn Portraits, Boudoir, Weddings of any size, Sports Events or other events of any kind. The main reason is due to the fact I don't have the right equipment such as specific length lens, flashes, props, etc and I am just not specialized in those types of photography.  This could change in the future but until then I can provide other photographers information of those who do for those who need it. I also do not own a studio. All portrait sessions are done outdoors using natural light only and simple with little to no extra props. For editing purposes, to achieve the style I like, I like to keep all session times close to sunset also known as the golden hour if at all possible. So please keep that in mind upon booking. 


Mini Portrait Sessions are seasonal as well as random. On occasion I do like to give further discounted pop up sessions from time to time. These are to be paid in full upon booking. Keep a check here on the website, your email inbox, or fb group for these. 

Note: I will be booking Fall Minis from now until November! Please do not wait last minute to book!  



Reminder to make sure to read my pre-booking info prior to booking any session. Thanks!



Please give me adequate time to respond back to your inquiry. Before submitting please make sure you have read my Pre-Booking Info as well. Blessings! xoxo