The Open Window |©Bridget Marcus

Published on 17 April 2022 at 23:30

On January 11th I was in my prayer closet and in worship and in prayer when I was prompted to open a window in the spirit, so I did. As I did He showed me a wind that came out of it and a very bright light. Then I went into a vision. It wasn't until now that I felt led to release it. In this vision the skies had opened up and it was as if God had opened a giant window to heaven to flow down to Earth and a great light came out of this window and it was like He had breathed a fresh wind that came pouring out of it. As I stood there looking up to this window as the wind blew on me I was renewed and was filled with this great light. I ran to the person next to me and it seemed like they were on the verge of death. And the person looked like the life had been sucked out of them.

I said the words "come alive dead bones!" And the wind came onto them and it was like a new life had been put into them and they were filled, healed, and they shined like myself in the vision with a great light. And when that person got up they then ran to the next person and then that person went to the next person and so forth and so forth. It continued on from person to person until by time it was over it was like the light that was coming from God's people had over come the darkness that was around. The darkness had no choice but to retreat because it couldn't take the presence of this great light anymore. As I looked around we all stood like an army facing toward heaven. We were not afraid but instead had great power that could only come from the Lord and from His throne room. We were so filled with God's love and light. Then once we were all gathered I felt like my body began to be gravitated and pulled upward toward the light like God was pulling us toward Him. I could feel my body like it was floating. There was such peace and love. Then I came back to where I was and opened my eyes. Since then I have had other visions that He has given me showing me what He is doing in the spirit. He prepared the angels for battle and sent them out on our behalf, then he opened the windows of heaven and has been pouring out onto His children revealing His heart to them and helping them find their identities in Him, and then He showed me today that He is advancing the saints and equipping them for battle and is speaking to us to have crazy bold faith. The same faith Peter had to have to walk on the water while keeping his eyes on Jesus. We are about to come into change. It may be uncomfortable at first due to how we have to step out of our comfort zones and having all the unknowns but we have to keep that crazy bold faith and trust that He will see us through. It's time to walk on the water.

Pay close attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying and showing you because things are not what they may seem to be. There are two words that I feel strongly in my spirit. Those two words can mean many things for many people. But you will know what it will mean for you when you see it. Those two words are's time! Just know He is equipping you, advancing you, and preparing you for such a time as this. I speak life over you, I speak wholeness and healing over you, I speak blessings over you, and that all of your needs what ever they maybe will be met in Jesus name! I plead the blood of Jesus over each of you. Know who you are and know that you are chosen and loved and He has a plan specifically just for you. Amen! The window is open, His love, His power, His light is pouring out. Receive it in Jesus name! Dead bones live!!

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