Be Like The Roses|©Bridget Marcus

Published on 8 May 2022 at 14:03

Last night I was blessed to go to a night of worship with Angela Arnold Owen and her father, Apostle Arnold. When Angela brought the message, she said something that really resonated within me. She said that Abraham would be obedient and just go when God called him to go and where he ended up, he would build an altar for the Lord and then he would go again. It was then that He really spoke to my heart and said Bridget you don't need to see ahead of you, you don't even need to know where you are going, or to even see the bigger picture at this very moment. The only thing you need to know is that I am with you every day, of every minute, no matter where you are and no matter what is going on around you, or where I am sending you, and THAT IS ENOUGH. Just simply rest. Rest in me. Be Still. Trust that I have you. Trust in me. That all of your needs have been met and I have gone before you to prepare your place for you both in heaven and earth and I will direct your steps as you go day to day. Your job is to simply just give me your heart every day and set with me and love on me and let me love on you and allow me to be all the things I said I would be for you in My word. Just keep me first and everything else will fall into place as it should. So, this morning as I spent time with Him, I asked for Him to forgive me for wanting to be so much in control of my life. For spending so much time worrying about what I may miss out on, for trying to figure things out all on my own, worrying about the future and our provisions and things I have no control over, and for thinking that I may miss out on what He is doing in this season. As well as grieving the changing of seasons. As soon as I surrendered that over to Him and layed it as His feet I was filled with this beautiful peace and for the first time in a long time I could finally rest. My racing mind had been put at ease. I took a deep breath and let it go and I felt the release. I knew in that moment it was going to be ok. Just like these roses I have in my yard. They don't have to do anything but just simply be. He does the rest. He sends the rain and provides the sunshine and in return they grow and flourish. Thank you Lord!


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