Rainbow Reminders | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 7 May 2021 at 23:30

The last few days we have been seeing a lot of rainbows again and the Lord brought back to me my experience I had with Him almost a year ago and has reminded me of what He spoke to me. I want to re share that experience as I feel that what the Lord had spoken to me in that moment is beginning to come to pass in this season. Keep in mind before having this experience, others and myself, all began to see a bunch of rainbows the week prior to my experience. I rolled over and it was around 7:30am or a little after and a bright light was shining through my bedroom window right through the blinds. Before I had rolled over to it I could feel the warmth of it and I kept hearing wake up Bridget so I rolled over and the sun was beyond amplified. I would try to look and it was brighter than normal but the feeling was this was not the sun but something brighter. I kept hearing a voice say arise and come to me. And I almost started to brush it off because mentally I'm thinking ok I'm tired I just need to go back to sleep. But then the voice practically yelled at me and said BRIDGET come to me! I said ok but where do I need to go and the voice said come outside. And it was like come to me. So I was like ok I'm coming after a second to process and after I was awake I knew in my spirit it was God/Jesus speaking to me. I go to my door and I peek out of it slowly and then I peeked out the window thinking ok what now and He said come out on to the porch. So I eased out the front door and there was only one cloud in the direction to the right of me and I looked up thinking wow its beautiful. And as I was looking at it... it shifted and a bright light like the sun shined on my face and so I kept my head lifted but my eyes closed because it was too bright to open them. I said yes Lord? Next thing I know I hear him say come forth and raise your hands to me as in to reach out and up in praise I said yes Lord. So I did then He said go and be my light in a dark world. He said I am doing a new thing. And I said yes Lord and as I have my eyes closed I could see a brief outline of what looked like Jesus wearing His robe but all I could see was His outline. I asked Him what did I need to do and He said I will show you and in my spirit I felt like He was saying when the time is right I'll show you. I said yes Lord. I felt a tingle all over my body. It was quiet for a minute then the voice said be still and know. He said He loved me. And that the rainbows He has been showing is a sign to us of His promises through the storm for us to just trust Him. I said yes Lord. And then the sun shifted and it quit shining on me. I have never experienced anything like that. I had just previously woke up out of a dream where in the dream an announcement came over the radio and news of a person who was killed, an important person, but it wasn't the current president at the time (Trump). And it meant war was about to start and I remember running and was having to get on the plane. Before I knew I was going to a plane I remember running into an elevator and I remember saying I hate elevators and then the doors open and I was on the plane. Then I went to get on the plane and I didn't know where I was going that's when I woke up to the light being in my face. But I just remember when I was standing there and the sun was shining down bright on me during that whole time I kept feeling I wasn't worthy. I wasn't completely overwhelmed with His presence as in it making me cry or me even being scared but it was a STRONG loving feeling like this was normal. I also forgot to say above that He told me He would be seeing me soon. I will never forget that moment. I wrote it in my prayer journal. He has a plan.


*I will never forget that moment*

Photo Credit: Kimberly Collopy in Alabama

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