A Season of Rest | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 9 July 2024 at 23:30

It has been a while since I last posted a blog. Every time I would set down to write, it would be hard for me to get anything out. But recently I have felt a major shifting in direction and for the first time in a long time I felt like I needed to document it. So here it goes...


As I sat on my front porch after the sun went down, I sat in stillness. All I could hear was the sounds of summer. It brought me back to my childhood as I would spend my summers outside playing until dusk until it was time to come in and get a bath. Those felt like the best days where you played so hard and slept so good at night. But as I continued to set there I began to think about the last 4 to 5 years and the last few seasons the Lord has brought me through. I recapped all the hard lessons that I had learned over that period of time with some feeling like a crash course. I remembered all the blessings and provision I received also and all the people that had came into my life as well as those that went just as quickly as they had come. But as I sat there one thing was for sure I knew I wasn't the same person I was even 5 years ago. 


God has walked me through deliverance and healing and had uncovered deeper truth to me about who He was and who I was in Him. He gave me a lesson in discernment and the counterfeit, more than once, so I would come to understand it and know it for what it was or is and is still teaching me! He taught me that it isn't about your spiritual giftings or even about ministry but that it was deeper than that. He also taught me to be grateful for every season you are currently in because just like the physical seasons the spiritual seasons don't last forever and are always changing. I am grateful for each one. Even the hard ones. Because I know they are shaping me and molding me into the person He created for me to be, peeling layer by layer just like an onion. And one thing is for sure, things can shift in an instant. If you would have told me that things would have ended up the way that it is today, even a year ago, I probably wouldn't have believed you.


Recently, He revealed to me that I was now coming into a season of Rest. The previous season(s) has been a tough one and Holy Spirit revealed to me that in order for me and my family to be ready for what He was wanting to carry us into I/we needed to take time away to heal, to rest, refresh, and to refocus. To spend time with Him and with my family. That it was time to take a sabbatical the remainder of this summer. In saying that I feel many may not come to understand this and others will. All I can do is be obedient to what He is calling me to and for me to stay the course despite what others will say or feel. Apart of this includes taking a sabbatical from social media as well as serving within the church. This may include not even attending church some days. I feel the Father is wanting me to spend more time in the secret place and make it a priority to put Him in the center of family time. 


With all this I feel He is also changing my alignments from the previous season. Though difficult, I am choosing to trust Him in this area. So in saying all that I am choosing to surrender to Him these areas of my life that I need to learn to let go of so He can re calibrate me in many areas back to where I am supposed to be! I hope to share more of the journey with you all soon! We shall catch up in due time. Blessings! 

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