Counterfeit | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 12 September 2024 at 08:05

The counterfeit is produced when our actions come from a place of just wanting to be seen and heard and seek validation and acceptance from others when Jesus says I am enough, and I am all that you need. He hears and sees you. It is produced when the unhealed wounds from our past try to speak shame and condemnation and then become our persona. We begin to wear a mask of steal refusing to show any vulnerability and truth to others. Or in some cases we wear masks of pride, arrogance, being full of wisdom or knowledge, and always wanting to be right. We tend to look like we got it all together when others may continuously wear a mask of pain. If our heart is not in connection with His but continuously placed on self and trying to remain hidden behind the mask than it becomes "strange fire".

Knowing our beloved identity is so important. God is getting ready to release those who have learned how to hear His voice through the noise and deception, He is getting ready to bring those to the frontlines who have learned that He is not in the earthquake or the wind but in the still small voice, He is bringing those who have been so broken but yet kept their eyes and hearts fixed on Him, those who have no motives but to love Him, love others, and to follow Him. Those that have no hidden agendas. They don't seek to gain a crowd or a following but just want people to see Him and to hear His heart. There is a mixture going on and it's the kind where in scripture in Matthew 13 where it speaks of the wheat and the tares. And we are in that season. But if our hearts are aligned with His than you will see the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares, and the counterfeit from the real. Jesus is on the threshing floor with sickle in hand and He is tending the fields because they are ripe. Church the harvest is ready. Scripture tells us the laborers are few. Now is the time to get alone with our Father and evaluate our hearts, our motives, repent, and allow Him to heal and mend all the areas that are broken within us. We have work to do! 

Take us higher Father God, high above all the noise and chaos and confusion. Help us to put You first above ourselves and everything else. Remove the idols in our lives. Help us to serve and lead in humility and most importantly to see ourselves and our neighbors the way that You see us. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to receive all the things that are of You! In Jesus name! Amen! 

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