He's On The Threshing Floor |©Bridget Marcus

Published on 11 November 2023 at 23:54

Church (I am addressing the whole body of Christ and it doesn't matter what denomination you are), If you are serving or leading in a ministry (no matter what role it is even if it's a personal ministry), I just want to encourage you all to really be in prayer asking the Holy Spirit what does HE want in this next season for that ministry and for you. Ask Him what direction you should go. What doors should you allow to be closed and which ones should you allow Him to open. Then be obedient in doing it. Some of you have been doing the same things for years until it's just became so routine every year and it's become too comfortable to both you and everyone else, and the enemy is happy because the church has become so predictable, but we have to allow Holy Spirit to have room to move and we have to stop trying to be in control. If you do not serve in an area or lead a ministry than I want to encourage you to just pray asking Him what role should you play in and to spend time praying for your church/church leaders/and church family (the body as a whole). I have a feeling He is about to take many of you that has been on the sidelines to the front lines as we come into the new year. And some of you that has been in the front He is about to teach you how to serve Him again instead of man. He wants His children to be set FREE!


I Share This With Love:
So many are too worried about their reputations and others are too focused even on denominations. They are worried about people pleasing and about keeping the numbers up. Many are wasting time arguing amongst each other and letting the enemy divide and conquer. We won't even get into the whole gifts of the spirit debates. God is about to change all that. If we have a problem with allowing the gifts to be active and if it bothers you than I encourage you to ask the Father about it for yourself and ask Him to give you more revelation on it and better yet ask Him to let you experience it for yourself. Just know the church has seen nothing yet! NOTHING! It doesn't matter if you have been in ministry for 10,30, 50 years etc don't ever think you have seen or know it all. There is a move of God coming that will not look like anything from the past.


And friends be careful not to be led astray and to be a part of a ministry or ministries that does not allow the Holy Spirit to move freely and that is led by man, self, and not of God. He doesn't fit in a box. Time is so short. Those that are not built on Him WILL Crumble. I will close with a word and a vision that He gave me back last month that I feel led to share now. Be in prayer over this word. I do not share it to cause fear (fear is of the enemy) instead take it as a warning and to begin to intercede in prayer. Be blessed!

Copy & Pasted from my notes: 10.20.23 As I was spending time in the quiet place today and was led to be in the book of Colossians, Holy Spirit began to share some things with me. There is a great shaking that is about to come to our nation. It will be necessary and needed. I saw Him on the threshing floor in the spirit and I saw some of the wheat fall back down to the floor but I saw the tares being blown away by the wind. At that same time the wind began to pick up in the physical as I watched the trees sway back and forth and the dead leaves began to fall off. I heard Him say that anything that was not firmly rooted in Him would not be able to withstand what is to come. He is going to bring alot of light to the darkness. He said that no matter what it looked like to keep our eyes firmly set on Him and not what was going on in the physical. As soon as we begin to focus on and give our circumstances more attention than Him we will begin to sink.



  • Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.

  • Seek Him and include Him daily.

  • Listen & be obedient to what He wants you to do.

  • Continue to break bread with Him daily (read the word and spend time sitting with Him)

  • Do communion more often.

  • Personal Deliverance is important! Search your heart often, repent, forgive, and let God heal the areas that are in need of healing.

  • Be led by the spirit and not by the flesh.

  • Be teachable.

  • Trust Him.

  • Love Others Well

  • Be a light in dark places!


Joel 2:28 -“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
Scriptures on the gifts: https://www.openbible.info/topics/gifts_of_the_spirit



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