Just Receive | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 9 November 2023 at 22:30

Religion will tell you that you have to work for and strive to be loved by the Father. (We have to get right first) The Father says you don't have to do anything but just RECIEVE (right where you are) KNOWING that you are loved so DEEPLY by Him. So many are walking around not knowing who their Father is. They know His name but they don't know His heart. They know His word but don't know His character. They have taken on the Orphan identity despite them coming into the understanding that they have been adopted and grafted in. I used to think and act like an Orphan despite still loving Him but I'm praising Him for setting me free and for bringing me into the revelation of His truth that NOTHING I do can make Him love me any more or any less than He does right now. Did you know when God looks at you He sees His son? Yup:) John 14:11 - Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me... When Jesus gave His life for us upon the cross He took on our sin. Thank you Lord it's DONE! The blood covered it. He stood in our place. Then in Acts we we're given Holy Spirit.. who now lives in us. Now as a child of God our goal is to be loved by Him and to love Him. Then when we can grasp that, receive that, and let Him fill us up to overflowing than that love can pour out onto others. It transforms us. Love changes from EROS(Worldly) Love to Agape(The Father's)Love. When we come into our true beloved identity and we KNOW who our Father is and who we are in the Father than we stop walking around like Orphans beating not only ourselves up but everyone else up to and then we can begin to have that intimate relationship with Him. Then once that is established in us than we can work WITH Him and He can work THROUGH us to help bring His Kingdom to earth. (We aren't His slaves) We can finally walk out our journey (WITH Him). Fruit will begin to grow and show. We have to TRUST that He will do a complete work in us and He will finish what He began. Philippians 1:6 - being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ. Thank you Lord! Begin with Him beloved. Be Still in Him and Set at His feet. Be a Mary and not a Martha in this season. Cut out the distractions and all the noise (both the good and bad noise) and just set with Him. It is in that intimate place with Him where we are transformed, renewed, it is where we find our strength, our peace, our identity. We are given wisdom, revelation , and so much more. You are not an orphan. You are HIS! And it's not what He can give us but just because He Is. Receive. Just Simply Receive!

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