A New Song |©Bridget Marcus

Published on 2 February 2021 at 18:09

On the night of January 5th, 2021 I was given a dream. My dream was very detailed but I was only allowed to remember some but not all. I dreamt that we were in this mansion or banquet hall (some kind of fancy big place) we were all invited to come and it was going to be like (the best way I can describe is like a class re union) but there were also people there I didn't know. Everyone was so excited to go thinking it was going to be a good time etc. But as I'm there I can feel the demonic presence in some of the areas. Each individual was given a song (like a song title so to say) I don't remember what mine was but upon receiving their song everyone was so excited, some nervous, etc. But then I looked around and some of the expressions on people's faces changed. They looked scared and some embarrassed. So, when I looked at the words to my song I realized it was a song about the secrets or past bad things I did in my life. As I look around some realized what it was and were so heart broken and embarrassed and then others were still excited and ready to have fun not even realizing what it was. As I looked at mine I couldn't do anything but say I was sorry and felt so convicted and asked God to forgive me. Those of us who realized what our songs represented and began asking God for forgiveness we were given a new song and this time it was a song no one had ever heard before but those who never gave their song a second thought their excitement quickly faded and then people scattered. There were so many who didn't realize what their song was and they were in panic trying to hide because they were dieing. In my dream we ended up being separated. Those with new songs stayed together and didn't fear we just watched and those with their same songs were left running trying to hide for their lives. All the songs were being revealed. Those that tried to keep it hidden it was made known what it was they wanted to hide to everyone. Some people saw what the song was but they tried hiding it in hopes others wouldn't see it and were running but no one could get away from what was happening. Then I woke up.

As soon as I woke up I felt like I knew right away what it meant. The songs represented the sin that was in each of our lives. It meant that the Lord will be revealing everything in this season. Not a single person will be able to hide anything. Truth will be shown. Some will see their sin in their life and they will be humbled and will have a repentive heart (those that received a new song/true followers of Christ) and some will see it for what it is and will ignore it thinking it will remain hidden and will continue to try to live like the way they have been living both in their sin and in the world while proclaiming the name of Jesus (Luke Warm or false Christians) and then those who are so blind they just can't see anything (the lost). But one thing was for sure those that had repentive hearts were separated from the others and that were given a new song were protected as we watched the chaos unfold. Those who didn't receive a new song didn't escape what was coming. We are also in a season of separation.

After waking up I rolled over and checked my messages and a sister in Christ sent me a message with a screen shot by Doug Addison that said Get ready to write down the things God is speaking to you. I was blown away and then the Lord brought me to the scripture: Psalm 40:3 He has put a new song in my mouth- Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD.

All that to see how this day unfolded in DC. I share this to say be very careful and pay very close attention to the lyrics of your song. Will you be singing a new song or will you be singing the same old tune? Time is running out.


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