A Word Of Warning | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 28 December 2020 at 21:59

God has told me to warn the people. To tell them to prepare for what is coming. MANY will miss what is happening because they are so full of the world and the things in the world instead of being Kingdom minded and Kingdom focused. The Holy Spirit is the only one that can reveal these things that are coming. It cannot be seen unless you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Unless you are watching for it, unless you are hungry for it, unless you are dug so deep into it and seeking it out. For so long I have kept it quiet and to myself. I have kept the peace to keep from arguments from happening. I have put a hinderance on it but God has shown me we are coming into a season that we cannot afford to be quiet any longer. I cannot afford to keep quiet any longer. We cannot afford not to listen and obey. We cannot afford to hinder the spirit of the Lord. He says set it free and let it consume. Let it consume those who are willing to listen and hear. He has given me dreams for years in preparation for this season we are about to go into. If you are a child of God or if you claim that title. Listen closely. There is no more "playing church". You are about to go into a season that is going to show you what you are made of as a child of God. You cannot afford to stay in the world and take part of it. You are in it but you cannot be a part of it. SEPERATE YOURSELF! Detach yourself from materialistic things. In this new season money will not buy what the holy spirit and Jesus Himself can only give. HE is your provider and your sustainer. 2020 was a year of taking away so He can build up. It was a year of testing and strengthening. Get your homes in order. Not physical order but spiritual order. Build your house on the rock. A firm solid foundation. If Jesus is not you and your family's foundation you will not make it into this new season. New things are coming that only Holy Spirit will reveal to those who will listen. The devil's time is short. Do not be deceived. What you see on the news, what you hear from those you think you can trust, take heed that many things are not what they seem. The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus has come that He can give life. I say all these things because many will miss it. Many will be deceived, many will miss the mark, many will burn in Hell because they will choose not to listen. This is the season of Matthew 13:30 which says Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ” The harvest is almost ready. He is sifting. Think what you want of me anyone who reads it. I pray you will listen. We are the last disciples. The groom will be returning very soon for His bride. Will your lamps be full?!

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