My Metamorphosis | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 16 September 2021 at 18:57

The butterfly is such a beautiful creation. When I saw this picture it made me think of the transformation process that I have been going through my whole life so far. The many stages I've had to go through and continue to go through to become all that God has called me to be. Looking back, it has not been the easiest journey, but the Lord is telling me my journey is just really beginning. I am so thankful for the process. It has and continues to bring growth in my relationship with Him. Over the course of a year, He has closed many old doors and in return opened many new ones. I have had to say goodbye to past relationships and in return He has brought me into new ones. For every sadness that came with every old door shutting He brought forth Joy with every new one that opened. The Lord has delivered me on more than one occasion from the things that used to cling on to me so tightly that kept me bound and held captive from being able to walk into His complete peace, His presence, His love, His Freedom, and all the things He had for me. There is nothing like the freedom there is that can be found in Christ. To worship Him so freely without limitations. God doesn't fit inside a box yet so many of us want to put Him in one. To know that I can use the gifts that He has given to me to glorify Him and to help build His Kingdom instead of keeping them to myself and to know others share in those same gifting's is an amazing thing. To have support and true discipleship in the body of Christ is such a beautiful and powerful thing to have. In a matter of a year God showed me who I was in Him and I have been seeking hard after Him ever since. He has taught me the importance of prayer, dedication, and obedience. He has also taught me to keep my eyes on Him and to the present as He prepares me for my future for His purposes and there is no looking back. The past is gone. He is doing a new thing. So, if you are reading this than all the things I used to be, just like this butterfly process, the old is gone and that person is no more. He has and continues to transform me into who He wants me to be. Some of my old passions are no more and, in its place, He has given me new ones. Those that intertwine with His. He is transforming my mind and my heart to be more like His. I am excited for what all He has been showing me and what He continues to do in my life. He is keeping me busy with His work. If it is His will, I will be starting Transformation Ministries in January to go deeper so not only I can be completely healed from the inside out but so that I can be who I need to be so I can step fully into my calling in help others in showing them how they too can be set free. He is also opening new doors for me in ministry. I am learning to simply trust Him and that despite how unsure of myself that He is and will continue to equip me for these times that He wants to use me. I am also so very thankful for the people He has placed in me and my family's life recently and the new friendships He has allowed us to begin. He is restoring and rebuilding everything that the enemy had stolen. We serve such an awesome God. Despite the harder times to come God has a beautiful journey ahead for all that Love & Obey Him. This is my metamorphosis.


The butterfly develops through a process called complete metamorphosis. This is a Greek word that means transformation or change in shape.

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