The Coming Storm | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 28 June 2021 at 18:53

For the last couple of weeks things have been quiet so to speak. It has been like the Lord has had me in a waiting period. To be still in Him. A calm before the storm so to speak. Then I had a dream last night. A warning for others. You may have noticed the many amazing photos of the clouds and things recently that people have been capturing lately. They have been on display like never before. What we may not realize is that a lot of it is the spiritual that is manifesting into the physical. Here is the dream that I had...


In my dream I was in my grandparents old home (they are both passed now) me and my husband was sleeping in the room my aunt used to stay in when she lived with them. The only people in my dream was me and my husband. The house was fairly clean or cleaned out so to speak because my grandmother's house stayed fairly cluttered because she sewed, did crafts, gardened, and other things. But I remember seeing things through out and I felt a dark presence trying to "attack" or come in or in a way destroy the house but as this was happening I would walk around in the house yelling I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, I plead the blood of Jesus. And I remember waking my husband up and he was still half asleep and I remember telling him that he had to say it out loud to plead the blood. And he wouldn't take me that serious. He would say it but he wouldn't say it with belief behind it or with authority. I would see some part of the ceiling begin to sag where it was raining out and I remember saying why is that doing that because there is a metal roof on the house. I remember pleading again and then different things (demonic beings) would try to attack the house and us but I would push forward. Another thing like many times before in my dreams the demons try to stifle me in speaking but I'd push through in speaking. My husband made his way to the living room and I remember there was a storm outside and I felt as if a tree was going to land on the bed room and I remember my bible laying on the bed so I went to run and get it because that was all that mattered that I wanted to save in that room. And I remember looking out the door and seeing the house next door (this was my grandparents house but the location was not the same as theirs) the winds came and sucked the house next door up and destroyed it but my house (grandparents house) remained standing. And as I was coming out my dream that is when the Lord said to tell my people that a storm is coming (spiritual that will turn into physical) and that those who plead the blood over their homes, households, and themselves will be safe.


Not long after waking up the tree company had pulled up into our yard and began taking down the tree that was next to our current house. It has always been a hazard for high winds during storms and our home was always at risk. But they took it down. And I remember in church yesterday in worship they played "Praise You In This Storm". I thought to myself how fitting. The spiritual is manifesting in the the physical. A storm is coming and I encourage you all to plead the blood and trust in the Father. Stay close to Him and He will keep you safe. I believe my husband represented the church. He was half asleep and not fully awake and he wasn't taking me seriously. We are in a time of urgency that the church needs to wake up and take action.

Photo Creds: Summer cumulonimbus tower at sunset this evening as seen from Calera… photo from @bobthebanker1977

Photo Creds: In west Texas, storm chaser Laura Rowe captured the picture of a lifetime last night (May 17, 2021)

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