Just Hang On | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 8 February 2022 at 21:23

I'm so thankful that my Abba Father is my stability when everything else around me may feel like it's completely falling apart. I have never felt the Father's love so deeply as I have the last few days. He has been like a warm blanket that just completely wraps himself around me in the midst of a bitter cold day. There is something about that place where He finds us in the midst of our brokenness. When we are left feeling like everything is spinning out of control, He gently reminds us of how He is the calm in the midst of the storm. He is our anchor. We are never ever left walking this life alone even though the enemy tries to make us believe that we are. He cares about our hurt, our pain, our desires, and everything else in between. He is always there waiting for us to reach out to Him. It doesn't matter who you are or where you have been. He loves you. Oh man how much does He love you. He reminded me in a dream the other day that no matter what the circumstances look like around me to keep my eyes on Him and to continue to plead the blood and to speak the word and know that as long as I am rooted in Him I will be ok. Today I am pleading the Blood of Jesus over my family and that God will give us the strength and peace to continue to push through in this season. I am also praying for all of you who are in need of a miracle today. For those who feel like you are just hanging on by a thread. Know He wants to take those burdens from you and that this too shall pass. It's all a part of your life journey to and with Him. Just hang on! 

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