A Moment | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 5 February 2022 at 22:58

Almost had to pull over this morning while driving because I was so overcome by the presence of God. I was listening to Cover The Earth by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes and all of a sudden I was completely consumed by His love and presence. He reminded me of His Grace and Mercy that has been present in my life over the years but especially over the last 2 and how far He has brought me and not on my own accord. He strategically has brought me to the place I am at right now in my life and He reminded me of my growth the other day when I was in a place of discouragement but yet talking with someone who is in need of deliverance and doesn't even know it and when He began to highlight things to me in that person's life that I knew has them bound and that God wants them set free from (I used to not be able to do this) . But I knew in my spirit that was not the time to pin point stuff out to them because they are not ready to receive it. He reminded me that there is a way that He wants that to happen that they know it is out of love and not out of judgement and in His perfect timing. It was in that moment that I knew that apart from God we can do nothing but with Him ALL things are possible and He will do things in your life that you would never think would happen. He will take you far and sometimes He will take you long distances in a short period of time. I was humbled in that moment. He loves us so much that He will carry us through even when we may not even realize He is carrying us. Sometimes it doesn't dawn on us until later just how much He has orchestrated things in our lives. He has a perfect plan and will for our lives. He loves us so much. I pray that each of you can receive that love and see just how much He is carrying you in this very moment and that He is strategically placing you where He needs you to be in this season even in the hard times. We just simply have to trust the process. Sometimes we can act like a teenager and think we know more than our Father and we try to get ahead of Him when we should just hold His hand and trust the journey that He has us on. In the end it will all come together exactly the way it needs to. Just felt led to share what was on my heart today and I hope everyone has a blessed day!

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