The Raw Intimate Moments | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 20 December 2023 at 18:46

Alot of the times we tend to just share the good parts of our walk with the Lord but we don't tend to be vulnerable enough to show the real intimate or hard parts. The last few days I have been dealing the onslaught of spiritual attacks again both mental and physical but overall still spiritual. Some were revealed to me as to where they are coming from and others were not but I knew one thing I wasn't about to allow the enemy to come back in and put his foot in a door so he could come back in and reside in my temple and steal my peace or my joy. If my car could speak it would have a lot to say. It is where I go when it's been too cold to set on my front porch. It is where I have gone to war in the spirit many times for my family, myself, for friends, and whatever else. It's where I have worshipped, praised, cried, prayed, and got deliverance. I woke up this morning and I knew I needed to go spend time with Papa God. I wasn't going to leave until I felt something lift. As He led me into worship, I saw a rushing river and in the center were these steppingstones and where the steppingstones were, it was very calm, and the water was perfectly still. I saw myself on the first steppingstone and then Abba appeared, and He was ahead of me on the stone that was one step in front of me and He had reached His hand out for mine and He carefully helped me to step across onto each stone until I made it to the other side of the rushing river and had placed my foot onto the solid ground. When I reached that side He wrapped His hands around my face and kissed my forehead and then hugged me. It was in the moment I felt perfect peace. He placed me back on steady ground. Thank you Father! I could feel whatever had been trying to come back on me was no longer there. I felt to take these pictures today (despite my dirty windshield and messy appearance) during that time to say it doesn't matter where you have to get, it doesn't have to be perfect, and it doesn't have to be well put together. You don't even have to know what to say or do but all He wants is for you to set with Him. Often times it looks messy but no matter the place or the time He is there waiting to meet you so He can place you back on that same steady ground that He placed me back on today. And don't get up until He meets you there. Sometimes it means having to press through and press in but it's worth it! I felt someone needed to hear this today!

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