Beloved, it's not the church's job to fill your lamps up with oil. The source of where you get your oil is from the one who is already inside of you. The one who produces it and pours it out. It's there made available for you every single day! So many of us run dry during the week and then come running to the church on Sundays and Wednesdays (if that) expecting to get enough to coast them through until the following time they are in church. Beloved YOU ARE the church. When you go to church that is your chance to pour out from the overflow onto others. It's not your Pastor's job to keep your lamps filled. It's YOURS! Get into the secret place. Read the word of God. Get into worship. Spend time in communion with Him. Break Bread with Him! Be Still. Receive! Stop running to others to get your oil lamps filled and go to the main source yourself! If you do that than you will NEVER run out! Amen! Want to know why some churches are dieing or dead? Because people come with empty oil lamps expecting to get oil from other empty oil lamps or better yet trying to get the Pastor's oil. Take time to personally be poured into so you can pour back out to those around you. The song, "This Little Light Of Mine" has been in my heart all day. What you carry matters! Many times we pray asking Holy Spirit to come when in truth He's already there/here. He's inside of you. Beloved, it's already done. We are never having to wait on God. God is the one that is always having to wait on us. Wooo... Thank you Lord! Thank you God! Thank you Holy Spirit! Thank you Yeshua! I have just been in a place of Thanksgiving the last couple of days. Just speaking Thanks and giving praise. Sometimes that's all that needs to be said. He deserves it. Now, go fill your oil lamps up! He's waiting! Podcast #3 coming soon!
A Parable about Ten Virgins
1“When my coming draws near, heaven’s kingdom realm can be compared to ten maidens who took their oil lamps and went outside to meet the bridegroom and his bride. 2-4Five of them were foolish and ill-prepared, for they took no extra oil for their lamps. Five of them were wise, for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. 5When the bridegroom didn’t come when they expected, they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. 6Then suddenly, in the middle of the night, they were awakened by the shout ‘Get up! The bridegroom is here! Come out and have an encounter with him!’ 7So all the girls got up and trimmed their lamps. 8But the foolish ones were running out of oil, so they said to the five wise ones, ‘Share your oil with us, because our lamps are going out!’
9“ ‘We can’t,’ they replied. ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. You’ll have to go and buy some for yourselves!’
10“While the five girls were out buying oil, the bridegroom appeared. Those who were ready and waiting were escorted inside with him and the wedding party to enjoy the feast. And then the door was locked. 11Later, the five foolish girls came running up to the door and pleaded, ‘Lord, Lord, let us come in!’
12“But he called back, ‘Go away! Do I know you? I can assure you, I don’t even know you!’
13“That is the reason you should always stay awake and be alert, because you don’t know the day or the hour when the Bridegroom will appear.”
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