The Lord Says It's Time | © Bridget Marcus

Published on 10 March 2021 at 21:25

As I was setting on my porch the other day reading my bible I heard in my spirit the words "It's Time!". I knew that the month of March would bring more change especially spiritually. So far we have been in a season of separation and sifting. The Bible speaks of this when Jesus talked about the parable of the wheat and the tares. You see the wheat has to be sifted and separated from the tares and the sheep must be separated from the goats. ( The wheat and the sheep represent the saved for those who may not understand) This too is found in God's word. Why? Because sin can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus is getting ready to come get His bride and she has to be found without blemish. This was also the season of revealing. For many have lost hope due to the corruption that is happening all around us as well as all the evil and all the "cancelling" taking place. But the Lord says I am not done. It will be revealed. The hearts of man will be revealed. Those who may think they are saved but are not because they were raised a certain way to believe certain things all their life that wasn't the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will be revealed. Understand that the old way of life is gone. Traditional church is no more. God is going to continue to take us out of the norm. We can no longer get comfortable. If we get comfortable we become complacent. If we become complacent then we will become lukewarm. This is not the season to be lukewarm. The church is to stand up in this time and be the church. Step forward and share the Gospel and serve others in love and be one in community. The harvest is ready. This Virus is not bigger than God but God is bigger than this virus. He is the one in control and the enemy must ask before he acts. If your heart is right and if your one focus is Jesus and His Kingdom than you have NOTHING to worry about. NOTHING. God can heal and He can protect. And if it's your time to go home than He will take you home no matter the reason. It is by His Grace and His Mercy alone that any of us are still standing today. He has a plan for your life. Now is the time to turn away from the things in this world including the worries it brings and start running towards Jesus as fast and as hard as you can. And NEVER look back! The Time Is Now!

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