The Father's Heart | ©Bridget Marcus

Published on 14 June 2021 at 18:43

How fitting for the Lord to give me this message to share so close to Father's Day. This morning I went outside to just pray and talk with Abba and if you are in Alabama than you know the weather is very humid right now and hot and sticky so it's not exactly comfortable to set in. But I feel closer to Him when I'm outside in His creation so I push through the discomfort to be in His presence.


Where do I even begin. The last year has been a whirl wind in it's self but the last couple of months has been in complete acceleration mode. As I walked around in a circle I began to focus on all the things God has done recently and what He has taught me and what was revealed to me. One out of the MANY things was His heart that He has for His children. I had never experienced that revealing before and especially to that magnitude until now. As I was praying over my husband I began to weep heavily because in the midst of prayer God connected my heart to His (God's heart) as if we were one person and He showed me the love that He (God) had for my husband. The amazing thing is I know our physical bodies can only handle just a portion of that love because our earthly bodies and minds just can't really contain it or experience the fullness of it. But it was so deep and so profound that all I could do was weep. It was so beautiful. He shown me what He wanted to tell my husband. Then it was like He connected all of our hearts together. I won't share everything because it was a personal and private moment between God and us and that is apart of my husband testimony to give when the time is right because that is not my story but it is his to share one day. Another time was when I was at the recent Awaken My Bride Crusade when a person I've known sense their childhood went up to be prayed over and as they were being prayed over the Lord allowed me once again to feel and see His heart for Her and then He showed me Her heart in the place of brokenness and other things that are personal but God let me feel all the things that He felt for her and the things that He wanted her to know. He never let me do that until recently. And then as I was setting in the church services at The Church At Bethel God's presence was so strong and He moved so freely through out the building. I began to weep because He allowed me once again to feel His heart that He has for His people as a whole. And when people began to crowd the altar pouring out their burdens and hearts and being prayed over to be set free and to be healed His heart leaped for pure Joy because He said to me in that moment that is what He wanted for His children. My beloved this is the message God wants to give you today. His love for you runs so unbelievably deep and goes so unbelievably wide for you there are no words that can even describe it. He wants His children to be set free. He says that so many of us are being held captive by the enemy just like the Israelites were held captive by Pharaoh. He is there waiting for us to receive all that He has for us and to let Him lead us to the promised land. We are all wondering around in the wilderness and refuse to see Him for who He really is. We keep wanting to hold Him back and keep Him contained labeling Him and putting Him in specific categories. We are trying to limit Him because we want to stay in control of the circumstances around us instead of surrendering to His will and letting Him lead and guide the way.


As I began to pray deeper and walked faster He showed me this. He says you are not the one who saves, you are not the one who calls and draws, you are not the one who delivers, and you are not the one who can change others. He said I do that. He said you are MY temple, MY bride, MY empty vessel. I am the the one who will fill you up so that you can pour it out onto others what I have for them. Not by your power but by mine. He told me that we could do NOTHING apart from Him. We provide the lamp no matter what shape that lamp is in (if it's broken, He WILL mend it) but He will produce and give the oil. He said all He wants is a willing, selfless, and humble heart that is seeking Him and His heart. He doesn't care what your background looks like or even where you stand in this moment. He is not about titles or levels. He said I am the Lord thy God and I can and will make all things new IF you are willing to surrender your love that you have for the world and for this life and IF you are ok with being uncomfortable and knowing that even when you can't see ahead of you that you trust Him in KNOWING He has your steps accounted for. He spoke to me and said my child simply just trust the process and trust in Me. He said if you do just that than I will fill you up with new oil and I will fill you up to over flowing. One of the most beautiful thing He did reveal to me about a week or two ago was that every relationship that every individual has for Him is like a snowflake or a fingerprint. They are ALL different and unique and special in their own way because He specifically created and mended and grafted us in our mother's womb for HIS purposes only. He will speak to every individual in a way that speaks loudest to them and that will be more visible to them because the purposes He has for each of us is different but He is equipping us in the areas He wants to use us the most and those tasks are not all the same but we are to work together as a unit to have the same goal and that is to plant the good seeds and to work the fields so God can have the increase.


Just know no matter who you are, where you have been, or where you are currently at. The Father wants to reveal His heart to you. Lay it all aside and run to Him. He is there waiting with open arms that He gives so freely. Know this, we will never be worthy enough or good enough and we can never earn His love or our salvation but that He gives it FREELY. We have to simply just receive it and accept it. Is the Lord tugging on your heart today? Can you feel Him? Call on Him, pour it all out (wherever you are), believe in what He did for you at Calvary, repent and become humble, and most importantly just receive His free gift of eternal life in surrendering your life to Him. Let Him lead your life in obedience to Him an He will do the rest. Let Go and Let God.


Happy Father's Day to all the earthly father's out there. Those with children and those who are father's figures to all those around them. But there is definitely no other kind of love like the love of our Heavenly Father. May God bless you and keep you! Amen.


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